Features that help you!

A few clicks to avoid booking conflicts, confirm lesson bookings, manage student progress and more.


Secure data

Regularly backup your data to our cloud storage service


Fully functional

Create lessons, add students, view in calendar, backup and restore and much more.


Feedback response

Send us your suggestions or reviews and we'll do our best to respond quickly.


24-7 Support

Our diagnostics system notifies us of issues so we can proactively respond.


Take control to save time and effort.

Driving Instructor Manager is a comprehensive mobile app designed specifically for driving instructors to efficiently manage their bookings, track student progress, view statistics, and communicate with students via SMS reminders. It offers a range of features that streamline the administrative tasks associated with running a driving school, allowing instructors to focus on providing quality driving lessons.


How it works - 3 easy steps

Instructors can take full advantage of Driving Instructor Manager by simply following the basic guide below.

  • Download app

    Download App either for iOS or Android


  • Add your students

    Add your students

    After importing your students, start booking the lessons. Simple!


  • It’s done, enjoy the app

    Have any questions, CONTACT US

    Please share this page or app if you like it. Thank you.



What our customer say

We are making life easier for our instructors. We respond to your feedback very quickly.
Please give us a try.

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In summary save time and effort

Driving Instructor Manager provides driving instructors with a powerful tool to efficiently manage their teaching schedule, track student progress, view insightful statistics, and communicate with students through SMS reminders. By automating administrative tasks, the app enhances the teaching experience, improves student engagement, and helps instructors optimize their operations for greater success.